Mittelplate safe production in a sensitive environment

Mittelplate, Germany’s largest crude oil field, is located off the German North Sea coast on the southern edge of Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea. Wintershall Dea has been producing crude oil from the field for over 35 years – in a safe and reliable manner.

The islanders on the 13 North Sea islands speak 13 different languages: standard German, Low German, Danish and ten Frisian dialects.

Wintershall Dea

The Mittelplate field under the Wadden Sea in Schleswig-Holstein is Germany’s largest and most productive crude oil field. Wintershall Dea has set international standards in this ecologically sensitive area with its drilling and production island – both in terms of environmental compatibility and high-tech drilling.

Wintershall Dea Quickfact Mittelplate
Wintershall Dea Quickfact Mittelplate
Wintershall Dea

For over 35 years

Mittelplate has been setting international standards for responsible oil production.


million tonnes of crude oil to date.


to 3,000 metres is the depth at which the oil-bearing sandstone strata are found.



metres: the widely extended reach wells – the longest internationally.

Crude oil production in a sensitive ecosystem

The Mittelplate drilling and production island is located on the southern edge of the Wadden Sea national park in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Nature must not be affected in this ecologically sensitive environment. We are aware of this responsibility. That’s why protecting the environment was already right at the top of the priority list in the planning and in constructing all the facilities on Mittelplate.

Wintershall Dea Germany  Mittelplate Oil Field
Wintershall Dea Germany  Mittelplate Oil Field

The drilling and production island Mittelplate, surrounded by the Wadden Sea, from a birds eye view.

Wintershall Dea/Andrea Frey
Wintershall Dea Mittelplate Drilling Rig
Wintershall Dea Mittelplate Drilling Rig

As the nameplate shows, Wintershall Dea is the sole shareholder of Mittelplate.

Wintershall Dea/Achim Multhaupt

Acting responsibly in every area

The highest security standards also apply in everyday operations: we work with highly sophisticated and state-of-the-art technology. All work processes have multiple safeguards. In combination with our experienced and responsible experts, the result is an optimum safety package. Our closed-cycle disposal system ensures that there is no negative impact on the North Sea and the Wadden Sea. We additionally avoid noise and light emissions and minimise shipping traffic – that takes account of the needs of the sensitive fauna. Our certified energy management also supports environmental protection.

Thanks to the combination of state-of-the-art technology, the capabilities and engagement of our experts, environmental protection and safe crude oil production at Mittelplate continue to co-exist in a readily compatible manner.

Claudia Kromberg
Head of the Business Unit Germany

Continuing to write Mittelplate’s success story

Through Mittelplate, Wintershall Dea has become an internationally recognised pioneer in the field of environmentally sound oil production. We also want to set standards in the future with this showcase project. We have so far developed the reservoir with 28 production wells. The currently valid production approval permits oil production until the end of 2041.

Electrically powered drilling rig at Mittelplate
Electrically powered drilling rig at Mittelplate

The electrically powered drilling rig is particularly quiet and ideal for use in the Wadden Sea.

Wintershall Dea/Christian Bruch


Germany’s only drilling and production island is supplied with 100 percent certified electricity from renewable energy sources. This is how electricity comes to the island. In order to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions from production in the Wadden Sea, Wintershall Dea will convert the ships in the Mittelplate supply fleet to hydrogen hybrid propulsion systems in the future.

Video Mittelplate: Switch to green power


Germany’s only drilling and production island is supplied with 100 percent certified electricity from renewable energy sources. This is how electricity comes to the island. In order to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions from production in the Wadden Sea, Wintershall Dea will convert the ships in the Mittelplate supply fleet to hydrogen hybrid propulsion systems in the future.