Wintershall Dea Innovation Overview Hero
Wintershall Dea Innovation Overview Hero
Wintershall Dea/Bernd Schoelzchen

Innovating energy

Today, innovation keeps Wintershall Dea at the cutting edge, a partner of choice. Innovation is also enabling a brighter tomorrow. For our company, our people and our environment.


Digitalization & Technology

Technology drives value in E&P. Whether it's about artificial intelligence or horizontal drilling expertise, we assess, develop and implement technology solutions that deliver results. For operational and financial performance, and for safety and environmental performance alike.

Inhouse Solutions & Partnerships

Wintershall Dea invests in the future - in multiple ways. Our Technology and Service Centre in Barnstorf lays the foundation for innovation in everyday work with an interdisciplinary team. But since no one has a monopoly on good ideas, investments help us to broaden our own horizons. Our venture capital unit therefore not only invests in companies with sustainable business models. It also enters into cooperations with service providers such as Soiltech, which make our work processes simpler and more future-proof.

Wintershall Dea laboratory technician
Technology & Service Center

A place for Innovation

The foundation for new ideas: The central Wintershall Dea location for Reservoir and Production Services is in Barnstorf, Lower Saxony. It promotes technology, innovation and expert advice for customers worldwide.

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