Algeria Natural gas from the desert

The oil and gas sector is the backbone of Algeria’s economy. The natural gas project Reggane Nord aims to give it a crucial boost.

The average temperature in July 2019 at the Reggane Basin was 47° Celsius.

Wintershall Dea Algeria Reggane Desert
Wintershall Dea Algeria Reggane Desert
Wintershall Dea

Since 2002, Wintershall Dea has been a partner in the Reggane Nord Concession in the Saharan Dessert, which is operated by the Groupement Reggane Nord (GRN), a consortium formed by the project shareholders Wintershall Dea (24 per cent), Sonatrach (40 per cent) and Repsol (36 per cent). Algeria is the leading natural gas producer in Africa and is estimated to hold the third-largest shale gas resources in the world. The country also has huge potential for low-carbon energy solutions - whether natural gas for blue hydrogen, potential CCS capacity, or methanation.


Wintershall Dea Quickfact Algeria
Wintershall Dea Quickfact Algeria
Wintershall Dea Map Algeria
Wintershall Dea Map Algeria

Where we operate in Algeria

The gas fields of the Reggane Nord project are located in the west of the country, in one of the Earth’s hottest regions: the Reggane Basin in the Sahara. It is located 1,500 kilometres from the capital, Algiers. Following a general and challenging development programme, Wintershall Dea and its partners celebrated first gas in December 2017. Six gas fields form the Reggane Nord Project: Reggane, Azrafil Sud-Est, Kahlouche, Kahlouche-Sud, Tiouliline and Sali. The fields extend over a large area of almost 1,800 square kilometres. 


years is how long gas production from the Reggane Basin fields is expected at least.

209 km

of gas collecting systems & over 160 km of roads have been constructed for Reggane.


km2 is the area covered by the Reggane gas fields.

Wintershall Dea Production site Reggane Nord Algeria
Wintershall Dea Production site Reggane Nord Algeria

Everything is illuminated: a production site in Reggane Nord.

Wintershall Dea

Reggane Nord: Natural gas from the Sahara

The project shows stable natural gas production at low cost. Currently, 26 wells are connected to the Central Processing Facility (CPF). A modified design of a planned booster compressor is expected to significantly increase the performance of the asset in the future. The Reggane Nord project is expected to be in production until at least 2041. The production site in the Reggane Basin is linked to an export network via the new-build GR5 gas pipeline built by Sonatrach. At a length of 760 kilometres, the pipeline connects major gas concessions in south-west Algeria with the Hassi R’Mel gas hub, the starting point of intercontinental gas transports to Europe.

Future opportunities in Algeria

Wintershall Dea continues to explore new opportunities in the country in the field of gas production and low-carbon energy solutions. In 2023, Wintershall Dea and Sonatrach signed an agreement on a scientific and technical cooperation. The aim is to develop innovative concepts and solutions for joint projects related to their core business and in the field of low-carbon energy.

Reggane Nord: Natural gas from the Sahara
Reggane Nord: Natural gas from the Sahara

One of our production sites by day in one of the hottest areas on earth – the Reggane Basin of the Sahara.

Wintershall Dea