Diversity, equity and inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion are already lived and practised at Wintershall Dea – and we set ourselves clear goals to entrench these values even more firmly at the company.

Diversity comprises visible and invisible characteristics that influence us and condition how all of us act.

Wintershall Dea Diversity
Wintershall Dea Diversity

Wintershall Dea is an international company – which can be seen at all levels.

Diversity, equity and inclusion – what do they mean?

Respect for different perspectives is not only vital to a harmonious relationship – it is the key to success. That view is shared by most German companies, according to a survey by the Diversity Charter – and that is backed up by figures from a recent study by McKinsey. Our ideal is therefore a working world in which everyone can develop their personality freely. One in which everyone feels they are seen and heard.

Wintershall Dea Diversity Equity Inclusion
Wintershall Dea Diversity Equity Inclusion

Our objective is a diverse working world in which all employees can develop freely.

Wintershall Dea

The seven diversity dimensions

We aim to strengthen diversity comprehensively. Our diversity management is therefore based on a model that includes all seven diversity dimensions. That makes diversity more tangible as a goal and thus helps us put it into practice.

We use gender-inclusive language in communication and ensure – with regard to the gender pay gap – equal pay for equal work. We endeavour to assemble teams that are as mixed-gender as possible and we offer part-time models for persons of all genders at all levels of the hierarchy.

Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Geschlecht
Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Geschlecht
Wintershall Dea

We offer mentoring programmes for people from non-academic backgrounds. As a result, the mentors and mentees discover new perspectives.

Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Soziale Herkunft
Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Soziale Herkunft
Wintershall Dea

We assemble teams so that they bring together people from different cultures. We look for experts internationally. We also help enhance our employees’ awareness of cultural differences and similarities.

Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Ethnische Herkunft
Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Ethnische Herkunft
Wintershall Dea

We respect the religions and world views of our employees. We know and take into account the religious holidays of different faiths.

Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Religion
Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Religion
Wintershall Dea

We ensure that our employees have barrier-free access to their workplace as far as possible. Handicapped people are integrated in work processes at Wintershall Dea in a way that reflects their individual needs. We adapt job profiles to skills, not the other way round.

Icon der Vielfaltsdimension körperlich-geistige Fähigkeiten
Icon der Vielfaltsdimension körperlich-geistige Fähigkeiten
Wintershall Dea

We assemble mixed-age teams. Old and young members interact, share ideas and discuss matters as equals. Wintershall Dea’s Young Professional Network gives its young talents a voice.

Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Alter
Icon der Vielfaltsdimension Alter
Wintershall Dea

We encourage an organisational culture in which no one has to justify their own sexual identity or orientation.

Icon der Vielfaltsdimension sexuelle Orientierung
Icon der Vielfaltsdimension sexuelle Orientierung
Wintershall Dea

Diversity, equity and inclusion at Wintershall Dea

Diversity in the Wintershall Dea Team
Diversity in the Wintershall Dea Team

Wintershall Dea’s employees come from more than 60 countries – and together they form a strong team.

Wintershall Dea

As a signatory to the Diversity Charter, we have entrenched diversity in all its dimensions, equity and inclusion in our corporate culture. As a result, we are committed to respecting the personality of our employees in all its facets. We aim to strengthen awareness of the advantages of a diverse and inclusive corporate culture by means of targeted corporate communication and diversity training at all levels of the hierarchy. We encourage women to take the next step in their career. We attach importance to a family-friendly working environment that enables anyone to hold a leadership position at Wintershall Dea who is interested in doing so.

To meet the standards we have set ourselves, Wintershall Dea is continuously expanding its commitment to more diversity. Among the most important measures are Company-wide standards, adjusted HR processes, internal and external awareness campaigns, and the aforementioned training.
At our German locations, Wintershall Dea has a representative for severely disabled persons (in German Schwerbehindertenvertretung, SBV) who work on a voluntary basis for the interests of colleagues with disabilities. If you identify in this group and have any questions about applying for a position at Wintershall Dea or would like to know what it is like for severely disabled employees in the company, you are welcome to contact us via sbv@wintershalldea.com

An open society requires everyone's commitment to common values such as equality, justice, respect and tolerance. With the Wintershall Dea Foundation for Democracy and Diversity, we promote science and research, education, art, culture and international understanding.

Wintershall Dea Petra Angstmann
Wintershall Dea Petra Angstmann

How important is diversity for us? We have a global, interdisciplinary, diverse group called the "Diversity Circle"  dedicated to ensuring that we get better and better at diversity throughout the Company – Petra Angstmann leads this team.

Lia Lohrer

Wintershall Dea is already a diverse company – and will become even more diverse in the future. We set ourselves ambitious goals as part of that and pursue them uncompromisingly.

Petra Angstmann
Senior Vice President Global Human Resources at Wintershall Dea

Equity for everyone

“Diversity means equity for everyone," says Natasya Maura, production engineer at Wintershall Dea. Learn here what Natasya has to say about how colleagues can best help fight sexism on the job and why companies need diversity to stay innovative.

Wintershall Dea
Wintershall Dea Diversity Interview Natasya Maura

Equity for everyone

“Diversity means equity for everyone," says Natasya Maura, production engineer at Wintershall Dea. Learn here what Natasya has to say about how colleagues can best help fight sexism on the job and why companies need diversity to stay innovative.

Wintershall Dea

Diversity, equity and inclusion: our goals

We have defined clear goals to drive diversity, equity and inclusion at Wintershall Dea. Since then, we have been adapting processes so that we achieve these goals.

Wintershall Dea Diversity: Women's share
Wintershall Dea Diversity: Women's share
Wintershall Dea

Increasing the ratio of women in management positions

It is our conviction that diverse teams at all levels of the hierarchy are more successful. One of our main goals is therefore for the proportion of women in management positions to be more than 30% by 2025. That ratio in mid-2019 was 20% and it is now already 29%. To create a better gender balance in our management team in the coming years, we are currently planning measures to make management positions more family-friendly or specifically to motivate women to advance in their career.

Increasing the ratio of international employees

Wintershall Dea is an international Company – that should also be reflected even more strongly its management team. We are delighted to have achieved one of our goals from 2019: 37% of our executive employees now have a nationality other than German.

Grafik Wintershall Dea diversity International
Grafik Wintershall Dea diversity International
Wintershall Dea
Wintershall Dea Equal Salary Badge
Wintershall Dea Equal Salary Badge
EQUAL-SALARY-Stiftung/Wintershall Dea

Fair pay for all

Fair pay is a key component of our diversity and inclusion strategy. Following a global Equal Pay analysis together with PwC, Wintershall Dea received global certification from the Swiss EQUAL-SALARY Foundation in June 2022. The process began in 2021 and covered salary analyses, surveys, focus group discussions and interviews with employees, as well as the salary data review. The auditors were especially positive at Wintershall Dea about the personal commitment as well as the open and committed attitude of the management team with regard to gender equality and diversity. In addition, they also praised the existing principle of equal pay as well as the globally valid personnel strategy and its integration in the corporate goals.

Fostering diverse potentials

Wintershall Dea is committed to an appreciative and prejudice-free working environment that values talent on the basis of merit - regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and belief, sexual orientation and social background. Recognising and promoting diverse potential creates economic benefits for our organisation. That is why we signed the Diversity Charter on 10 May 2019.

Wintershall Dea Charta der Vielfalt
Wintershall Dea Charta der Vielfalt
charta der vielfalt
Wintershall Dea Diversity: Show attitude
Wintershall Dea Diversity: Show attitude
Wintershall Dea

Taking a stand

Wintershall Dea is a founding member of the “Open to Diversity – Closed to Exclusion” initiative. It is a regional alliance of organisations, associations and companies that campaigns in Kassel and North Hesse for diversity in all its dimensions and against any form of exclusion of people in society and the world of work.

Globally connected

An international team of representatives from HR Development, the Business Units and Corporate Units, the Women’s Network as well as Corporate Communications form the Diversity Circle. Headed by Petra Angstmann, SVP Global Human Resources, the group initiates key projects and helps shaping the strategic development and implementation of the DE&I Roadmap.

Wintershall Dea Diversity Equity Inclusion
Wintershall Dea Diversity Equity Inclusion
Wintershall Dea
Grafik Wintershall Dea diversity Schulungen
Grafik Wintershall Dea diversity Schulungen
Wintershall Dea

Diversity training

Wintershall Dea organises individual courses and training to enhance employees’ awareness of cultural differences and similarities. We will promote dialogue on that subject to an even greater extent moving forward.