Kassel / Hamburg
Wintershall Dea Q2 Reports and Results
Wintershall Dea Q2 Reports and Results
Wintershall Dea

Wintershall Dea AG today has provided the following Trading and Operational update for the first half of 2024 for the full Group, consisting of continuing operations (remaining Wintershall Dea AG business following Harbour transaction close) and discontinued operations.

H1 2024 Summary: (1)

Harbour Energy transaction update:

  • Targeting an early Q4 2024 completion of the transaction;
  • At closing Stefan Schnell and Larissa Janz will assume roles as new members of the management board succeeding Mario Mehren, Paul Smith and Dawn Summers to lead the remaining Wintershall Dea business;
  • Reconciliation of interest and social plan for employees in Hamburg and Kassel agreed, provision of €434 million booked;

Operational highlights:

  • Production averaged 330 mboe/d in the first half of 2024, an increase of 3% YoY. 3 mboe/d of total production are attributed to the continuing operations (2);
    • Production split of 69% gas and 31% liquids;
    • Revised full year production with today’s scope expected at 315 – 325 mboe/d, with second half of the year impacted by planned turnarounds and delayed infill drilling activities in Njord (Norway);
  • Development capex of €589 million, including €114 million of Ghasha (UAE) expenditures, vs €475 million in H1 2023; H1 2024 capex from continuing operations of €4 million; 
    • Ghasha capex reimbursed as part of closing consideration from effective date of 01.01.2023. Excluding Ghasha expenditures, full year development capex would be at the lower end of the guidance of €1.0-1.2 billion;
  • Net exploration expenditure of €104 million, vs €100 million in H1 2023. Full year exploration expenditure guidance unchanged at €200-230 million;
  • Realised prices of $8.2/mscf for gas and $76/bbl for liquids after hedge result; 
  • Hedge book continues to provide downside protection with average hedged gas price for 2024 of $12.4/mscf and average hedged oil price of $72.5/bbl; H1 2024 pre-tax hedge book MtM of €105 million;

Organic growth projects progressed per plan:

  • Norway – Development and exploration projects progressing well; 
    • Maria Phase 2, safely installed vital pieces of subsea hardware for the second phase of the operated Maria field on the seabed; start-up is expected in 2025;
    • Dvalin North milestone achieved; successful installation of the required subsea template six months ahead of schedule. Start-up expected in 2026; 
    • Own operated Adriana appraisal well completed in February, increased range of gross recoverable volumes between 28 and 43 mmboe; 
    • In June, Cuvette exploration well successfully discovered a combined estimated recoverable gas and gas condensate volume of 16 to 38 mmboe (gross) in the vicinity of our operated Vega field; 
    • Awarded 13 exploration licences on the Norwegian Continental Shelf;
  • Argentina – Production platform for the Fénix offshore gas development successfully installed; Development drilling commenced; Start-up is expected ahead of schedule in Q4 2024;
  • Mexico – Operated Kan discovery to be appraised in H2 2024; Block 30 license extension approved by CNH until June 2025; Zama FEED contract awarded;

Carbon Management and Hydrogen – Awarded operatorship in Greenstore CO2 storage license in Denmark; Storage application for Greensand (DK) submitted; Carbon management infrastructure project 'EU2NSEA' (EU to North Sea) to receive the official status of a Project of Common Interest from the European Commission;

Other developments:

  • Midstream – Signed agreement for the sale of 50.02% stake in WIGA to SEFE, closing expected in Q3 2024;
  • UAE – in June closed agreement for the sale of 10% participating interest in Abu Dhabi’s Ghasha concession to PTTEP, with effective date January 1, 2023;

(1) Combining continuing and discontinued operations
(2) Equity production from Wintershall Noordzee B.V. 
(3) Excluding Libya onshore production
(4) Includes investments in Exploration, Carbon Management and Hydrogen (CMH) and other
(5) Includes commodity hedge result
(6) Lost time injury rate per million hours worked, Last twelve months
(7) Total Recordable Injury Rate per million working hours, Last twelve months


About Wintershall Dea

Wintershall Dea is a leading independent European gas and oil company with more than 120 years of experience as an operator and project partner along the entire E&P value chain. The company with German roots and headquarters in Kassel and Hamburg explores for and produces gas and oil in 11 countries worldwide in an efficient and responsible manner. With activities in Europe, Latin America and the MENA region (Middle East & North Africa), Wintershall Dea has a global upstream portfolio and, with its participation in natural gas transport, is also active in the midstream business. And we develop carbon management and low carbon hydrogen projects to contribute to climate goals and secure energy supplies. More in our Annual Report.

As a European gas and oil company, we support the EU's 2050 carbon neutrality target. As our contribution we have set ourselves ambitious targets: We want to be net zero across our entire upstream operations – both operated and non-operated – by 2030. This includes Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) greenhouse gas emissions on an equity share basis. Wintershall Dea will also bring its methane emissions intensity below 0.1 per cent by 2025. We endorsed the World Bank’s Initiative ‘Zero Routine Flaring by 2030’ and continue to support the initiative aimed at eliminating routine flaring in operated assets by 2030. In addition, we plan to support global decarbonisation efforts by building up a carbon management and hydrogen business to potentially abate 20-30 million tonnes of CO2 per annum by 2040. You can find more about this in our Sustainability Report.

Wintershall Dea was formed from the merger of Wintershall Holding GmbH and DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG, in 2019. Today, the company employs more than 2,000 people worldwide from almost 60 nations.

The shareholders of Wintershall Dea (BASF and LetterOne) and Harbour Energy plc (Harbour) signed a business combination agreement in December 2023 to transfer Wintershall Dea’s E&P business consisting of its producing and development assets as well as exploration rights in Norway, Argentina, Germany, Mexico, Algeria, Libya (excluding Wintershall AG), Egypt and Denmark (excluding Ravn) as well as Wintershall Dea’s carbon capture and storage (CCS) licenses to Harbour. Until closing, Wintershall Dea and Harbour will continue to operate as independent companies. The transaction is, among other things, subject to approvals of merger control and foreign investment authorities in several countries. Subject to these regulatory approvals, closing is targeted for the fourth quarter of 2024. See the full BASF release here.

