Integrity and compliant conduct enjoy top priority at Wintershall Dea. A strong Compliance organisation ensures that this standard is met day after day.
Our Code of Conduct is the basis of all our business activities.

We want to strengthen the trust of our employees, stakeholders, business partners and shareholders for the long term. Our aim is therefore to comply with rules and the law in our conduct in every situation and relationship. Because we are convinced that a strong compliance culture is indispensable and makes a major contribution to achieving our corporate objectives.

Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct forms the basis for our business activities and is of key importance both for the company and for all employees. That’s because it defines standards of conduct for our actions and offers all employees guidance for making the right decisions in daily business life. In addition to topics such as dealing with each other, the environment, safety requirements and information, it’s also about the right conduct with respect to invitations and gifts, conflicts of interest and on social media. It also provides information about who employees can contact if they have questions about the topics in the Code of Conduct, but also if they want to report violations of the Code of Conduct.
Whistleblower Portal
Both our employees and third parties have the opportunity to report potential compliance violations via our whistleblower portal SpeakUp. The report can be made in different languages, in total anonymity, either via secure website, app or by phone. Our Compliance department will verify the plausibility of every report received and respond to the whistleblower via the SpeakUp portal. Whistleblowers can rest assured that their report will be treated confidentially and that Wintershall Dea will never make efforts to reveal the identity of an anonymous whistleblower. Persons who make reports in good faith will not suffer any disadvantages. Wintershall Dea encourages you to use SpeakUp as internal reporting channel - besides this, the EU Whistleblower Directive obliges the EU member states to have external whistleblower reporting channels established by competent authorities. In Germany, the external reporting channel of the federal government has been established at the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ), and the reporting systems at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and the „Bundeskartellamt” (Federal Cartel Office) operate for their specific areas of responsibility.
We consider respecting human rights as a central element of our corporate responsibility and implemented procedures to investigate complaints and reports and to deal with them appropriately. The document “Complaints procedure GSCA” describes the handling of complaints relating to human rights or environmental risks in accordance with the German Supply Chain Act (GSCA).
Please find all access information in the document “Access to SpeakUp” under Downloads – Document.
Additional information can be found there in the documents “SpeakUp – How the process works”, “FAQs about SpeakUp” and “Privacy Notice Compliance and Human Rights Cases”.