Service & Research

Wintershall Dea History & Recherche
Wintershall Dea History & Recherche
Wintershall Dea

The Wintershall Dea Corporate Archive houses various files, photos, films and books on the German oil and gas industry from the late 19th century until today.

Research in Wintershall Dea's Corprate Archive

Wintershall Dea History Recherche
Wintershall Dea History Recherche

Responsibility and transparency: During guided tours artifacts from the company's history are shown, including those from the period of National Socialism.

Wintershall Dea/Milan Soremski

The Wintershall Dea Corporate Archive is the company’s historical memory and has been established at the company’s headquarters in Kassel since 2017. It collects and saves files, photos, audio and film recordings, publications, advertising material and other objects from the various areas of the company in analogue and digital form. 

The focus is on the history of the two predecessor companies Wintershall Holding and DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG, which merged in 2019, from the end of the 19th century to the present day. In addition, documents from acquired companies, associated enterprises and subsidiaries in Germany and abroad as well as a largish portfolio of historical industry journals are archived, which makes the WD-CA an important point of contact for research on the German oil and gas industry.

With the help of the archive, the Corporate History team researches the history of Wintershall Dea and presents it in talks, publications and exhibitions, among other things. Researchers, media representatives and other interested persons may use the Corporate Archive upon written request and by prior appointment.

Wintershall Dea Recherche
Wintershall Dea Recherche
Wintershall Dea/Milan Soremski


Application form to use Wintershall Dea Corporate Archive

Application form to use Wintershall Dea Corporate Archive (German)

Do you have questions about our company’s history or can suggest further topics and sources?

Would you like to conduct research in the Wintershall Dea Corporate Archive?

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