Wintershall Dea Headquarter Eingang
Wintershall Dea Headquarter Eingang
Wintershall Dea/Ludwig Schöpfer

About Us

Wintershall Dea is an energy company with a long history, the last chapter of which is now being written.

As of 3 September 2024, Wintershall Dea's E&P business, excluding Russia-related activities, was transferred to Harbour Energy plc. The transfer included production and development assets as well as exploration rights in Norway, Argentina, Germany, Mexico, Algeria, Libya (excluding Wintershall AG), Egypt and Denmark (excluding Ravn) as well as Wintershall Dea’s carbon storage (CCS) licenses.

Wintershall Dea's remaining assets include stakes in the joint ventures in Russia, the ownership interest in Wintershall AG in Libya (Wintershall Dea share: 51%), in Wintershall Noordzee BV in the Netherlands (Wintershall Dea share: 50%) as well as the share in Nord Stream AG (Wintershall Dea share: 15.5%). The management of Wintershall Dea announced its withdrawal from activities in Russia in January 2023. 

Wintershall Dea's tasks now include managing and divesting its remaining assets, and ultimately, implementing a responsible closure of the company.

Wintershall Dea is owned by BASF and LetterOne.

As we manage and divest our remaining assets, restructure and ultimately close-down our company, we are guided by professionalism, expertise, and responsibility: for people, environment and communities.

Stefan Schnell, Chairman of the Management Board