Wintershall Dea demands to end the war in Ukraine

Representatives of employees, managers and board stand with victims. They want to send a joint signal for peace and freedom: Wintershall Dea call for solidarity with Ukraine and an immediate halt to the ongoing hostilities.
Joint Statement by the General Works Councils, the Executive Representative Committee and the Board of Wintershall Dea
We are experiencing a political turning point. That is clear to all of us. The world we are living in today is different from the one of just a few days ago. The Russian government and the Russian military have invaded Ukraine in violation of international law. They have broken off the peaceful dialogue between the two states. And with their war of aggression, they are causingunimaginable suffering. We are personally and profoundly shocked and appalled by what is happening in Ukraine. We feel for the people in Ukraine. And we are awed by the bravery and indescribable resolve these men and women are showing in the face of the invasion. Our solidarity, sympathy and thoughts are with them. #standwithukraine
The people of Ukraine are holding us accountable, to take our values seriously. To stand up for our values, for freedom and democracy. And that’s what we are doing.
We – the General Works Councils, Executive Representative Committee and the Board of Wintershall Dea– condemn the Russian president’s war of aggression in the strongest possible terms. He is violating not only international law, but everything we stand for as a company: freedom, the rule of law, democracy and diversity. Values to which we are unconditionally and uncompromisingly committed.
#teamwintershalldea includes colleagues from almost 60 countries. No matter where we come from, what religion we belong to, which gender we identify with, or how old we are: we respect the human dignity, freedom, and right to self-determination of each and every individual. We value and need all of our colleagues’ experiences, beliefs and opinions. Diversity makes us strong. Diversity makes us better. We are firmly convinced of this.
All people have a right to decide how they want to live. And all people – whether in Ukraine, Europe, Russia or elsewhere in the world – ultimately want the same thing: to live in security, freedom and peace. The Russian president has single-handedly forsaken peace in Ukraine and in his own country.
We have been working in Russia for over 30 years. Many of our colleagues at our other locations also work with partners from Russia on a daily basis – at Wintershall Dea or in our joint ventures. Many of our colleagues come from Russia or Ukraine. From Belarus or the countries of Central Asia. For them – but also for all of us – this war against Ukraine is a major blow. We stand with our Ukrainian and Russian colleagues at all Wintershall Dea locations who live and stand up for our values of freedom and peace.
We have built many personal relationships – including in our joint ventures with Gazprom. But the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine marks a turning point. What is happening now is shaking the very foundations of our cooperation.
Our thoughts and sympathy go first and foremost to the people in Ukraine whose lives and livelihoods are in imminent danger. But our solidarity also extends to the members of Russia’s civil society, who will have to bear the consequences of an attack that they did not choose. A solution must be quickly found for all citizens. If not everyone is safe, no one is safe!
To be absolutely clear: bombs, bullets and combat boots are not appropriate means to solve problems under any circumstances. Especially not in the 21st century. War destroys lives and livelihoods. Therefore, we call on Russia’s president to immediately cease hostilities and engage in serious peace negotiations.
If there is one thing we have learned from the past and the bloodshed of the 20th century, it is this: never again war!
Birgit Boel and Guenther Prien (for the General Works Councils), Michael Piontek (for the Executive Representative Committee) and Mario Mehren (for the Board)