Wintershall Dea changes legal form and focuses on new company tasks

Wintershall Dea Kompass
Wintershall Dea Kompass
Wintershall Dea

Wintershall Dea AG has changed its legal form from a stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft) to a limited liability company (GmbH) as of 24 September 2024 and will now operate as Wintershall Dea GmbH. The company's legal identity remains unchanged.

Upon completion of the transaction with Harbour Energy, Wintershall Dea’s main tasks include pursuing of claims for, inter alia, the expropriation of the Russian assets, the sale of the remaining assets, the organisational restructuring, and ultimately, the closure of the headquarters in Kassel and Hamburg. 

Within the scope of the pursuing claims related to the expropriation of the Russian assets, Wintershall Dea initiated two arbitration proceedings against the Russian Federation to protect its legal position and its shareholders’ interests. The reason for these proceedings is the Russian Federation’s violations of its obligations under its bilateral investment protection treaty with the Federal Republic of Germany and under the Energy Charta Treaty.

About Wintershall Dea

Wintershall Dea is an energy company with a long history, the last chapter of which is now being written. As of 3 September 2024, the majority of the company’s former E&P assets and carbon storage licences have been sold and transferred to Harbour Energy. Wintershall Dea’s remaining assets include the joint venture Wintershall AG in Libya, the joint venture Wintershall Noordzee BV in the Southern North Sea, interests in Nord Stream and its joint ventures in Russia. Wintershall Dea is now focused on restructuring, managing and divesting these remaining assets, and ultimately, implementing a responsible closure of the company. Wintershall Dea is owned by BASF and LetterOne. 
