Civey survey: strong support for exit from Russia

Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine has shaken to the core economic, social and political partnerships between Russia and Europe that have been built up over decades. Wintershall Dea will end its activities in Russia and exit the country in an orderly manner. This decision was announced in January 2023. According to a representative opinion poll by opinion research institute Civey conducted in Germany, a large majority of respondents approve of the company’s decision.
More than half of all respondents (around 56 percent) believe that the exit from Russia is “clearly right” or “rather right”. However, almost a third see things differently, as roughly 28 percent of respondents say the decision is “clearly wrong” or “rather wrong”.
The picture is especially clear among respondents familiar with Wintershall Dea: two-thirds of them (68 percent) consider the company’s decision to be correct. And almost 60 percent of individuals who directly invest in stocks approve of the decision.

A fact sheet with the results of the survey can be found attached in PDF.
The opinion research institute Civey gauged in a representative survey what Germans think about the exit of Wintershall Dea from Russia. The nationwide survey has been conducted between 13 and 16 January 2023 (before the exit was announced) as well as on 18 and 19 January 2023 (after the exit was announced). In both cases, around 5,000 people aged 18 and over were surveyed.